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Jababeka and Tenants Hold Gebyar Posyandu HIJ Ngarariung 2023

Sharing CSR Program between Jababeka and Tenant HIJ Ngarariung which consists of PT Hitachi Astemo, PT Ferron, Menara Terus Makmur (MTM), Komatsu Undercarriage Indonesia, United Tractors Pandu engineering (PATRIA) and PT Katsushiro Indonesia has been running for years as a form of collaboration that provides benefits to the community. GebyarPosyandu 2023 is a CSR program this time.
There are ± 185 Posyandu in the village around Jababeka Area, where Jababeka has fostered 20 Posyandu. With the active role of tenants who have carried out their CSR activities in the villages around Jababeka Industrial Estate, we hope to be an inspiration & motivation for other companies that social responsibility around Jababeka Area is a shared responsibility that aims to advance the community around the Company.

The HIJ Ngarariung Posyandu activity began with remarks by Mr. Edi as the chairman of CSR Year 2023, the second speech by Mr. Ahmad Bayhaqi as a representative of Harjamekar Village, the third speech by Mrs. Vega Violetta as General Manager of PT Jababeka Infrastructure, the fourth speech by Mrs. WietaKristiady as HR PT Hitachi Astemo Bekasi Manufacturing, and the last speech by Dr. Yuke Rishna Arryani as the head of Mekarmukti Health Center. This activity was attended by 90 participants from 14 posyandu consisting of Latulip posyandu, Matahari Posyandu, Carnation Posyandu, Seroja Posyandu, Sedap Malam Posyandu, Anggrek Posyandu, Flamboyan Posyandu, Melati Posyandu, Nuri 1 Posyandu, Camar 2 Posyandu, Melati 6 Posyandu, Melati 9 Posyandu, Murahati 9 Posyandu, and Murahati 11 Posyandu all of these posyandu are in the Mekarmukti Health Center service area, North Cikarang District.
This activity was filled with material presentation from Permata Keluarga Jababeka Hospital by Dr.Eskana Putri Dianiati regarding stunting and pregnancy risks in pregnant women, then continued with guidance on child growth and development and E-posyandu reporting by Midwife Dewi Rosita from Mekarmukti Health Center. After the presentation of the material, the activity continued with a yell competition, a quiz competition, and a healthy food presentation competition for toddlers from each posyandu.  
Through Gebyar Posyandu 2023, it is expected to increase the capacity of Posyandu cadres through health counseling and competitions that require cadres to demonstrate their abilities as reliable cadres. Therefore, we need to give our appreciation to the cadre mothers who are the driving force behind the running of the Posyandu in their respective neighborhoods.