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Jababeka Presents Roadmap to Net Zero Industrial Cluster 2050

Being one of the panelists at "The Renewable Energy and Climate Summit: Indonesia - The Netherlands", Cyntia Hendrayani, COO of PT Jababeka Infrastruktur presented the topic "Sustainability Efforts of One of Indonesia's Largest Industrial Estate Companies", where Cyntia explained the efforts, challenges, and roadmap towards the net zero industrial cluster target in 2050. The event took place on October 12, 2023 in Jakarta. 

The event organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands took place from October 9-13, 2023 in Jakarta, bringing with it more than 50 delegates from the Netherlands consisting of high-ranking state officials, representatives of companies and investors in the field of renewable energy as well as academics. It is hoped that during the series of activities held in Jakarta and the establishment of bilateral relations between Indonesia & the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it can open opportunities for collaboration and business matching in the field of renewable energy in Indonesia.