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Net Zero World: Jababeka Discusses the Role of Industrial Estates in Stewarding Electric Mobility for Decarbonisation

Industry Leaders gathered at the Net Zero World Event organized by the US Department of Commerce that was held today, May 22 2024, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The event, titled A Leadership Forum and Technical Workshop on Clean Energy for Indonesian Industrial Zones focuses to discuss pathways to achieve low-carbon economy, with specific focus on Industrial Estate's role and readiness in supporting electric vehicles manufacturing ecosystem.   

At the panel, Jababeka was represented by Ms. Cynthia Hendrayani, as the Chief Operating Officer of PT Jababeka Infrastruktur, along with Nayo Ramil, Acting Assistant Deputy for the Infrastructure Support Industry at the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment; Vetsal Tutterow, Industry Technical Coordinator of Net Zero World; and Emma Natalia, Team Leader, Directorate of Industrial Region Development Ministry of Industry.

Ms. Hendrayani delivered compelling insights, underscoring the crucial role industrial estates plays in driving the low-carbon economy. Her focus was on strategic preparation, infrastructure development, and environmental responsibility showcased by Jababeka Infrastruktur's proactive approach in fostering sustainable industrial growth and innovation.

She reminds audience that an industrial estate is beyond provision of strategic land and utility, but rather fostering development of ecosystem of supply chain, talents and community that has similar goal and values. Jababeka with 35 years of experience in developing industrial economy sees that its role is beyond attracting investment. Since its inception, it has put environmental technologies as basis for industry to sustain long term growth.   

Amongst the objective of Jababaka-Infrastruktur is ensuring that industries within its estate continues to be relevant and competitive by striving for level playing field with other industries.  Jababeka's estate managers and operators take the balancing act amongst stakeholders to ensure that investment continue to be relevant in the economical context, and becomes partner for industries in voicing its interest to wider communities as well as shareholders.

With respect to the government objective to push for climate friendly technologies including electric vehicle. She pointed out that Cikarang in West Java, is already a hub for automobile manufacturing, is well-positioned and ready to support the transition to electric vehicles. The existing ecosystem and supply chain, which includes manufacturers of essential components like steering wheels, dashboards, and tires, paint workshops, are advantageous and ready to absorb this transformation. Jababeka Infrastructure is working to prepare Jababeka Cikarang Industrial Estate with infrastructure meeting Eco Industrial Park in order to truly support the environmental integrity for such industries.

In conclusion, industrial estate support and foster governmental ambition and public interests to foster electric mobility through its ability to transform the industrial estate through new standard of ecology.